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Hi, I am ALIKS

Turnkey sites, landing page, online stores, mobile sites, HTML5, banners, feedback forms, payment forms, design.

Turnkey websites, web design, programming

About Me

Knowledge or experience?

This issue is part of the problem of interaction between the customer and the contractor. The problem arises around two main issues: “How much will it cost?” and “How fast will you do it?”. These questions are as old as intelligent life itself and will be relevant for a very long time.
The most important characteristic of the answer to these questions is accuracy, not the minimum time and price, but accuracy, because it determines the success of the project (work, order, etc.).

Analysis of your target customer

Analyzing the needs of the audience is crucial when it comes to designing and improving a website. Understanding what the audience is looking for and what they value will help guide decisions around content, design, and functionality.

One way to analyze the needs of the audience within the current site is to conduct user research. This can include surveys, interviews, and usability testing. Through this research, you can gather insights into what users find frustrating, what they like, and what they wish was different.

Analyzing website analytics can also provide valuable information on user behavior. Understanding how users are interacting with the site, which pages they are visiting, and where they are dropping off can help identify areas for improvement.

Additionally, analyzing the competition and keeping up with industry trends can help ensure the website remains relevant and meets the needs of the audience. Overall, continually analyzing the needs of the audience within the current site is essential for creating a successful website.

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